“I encourage you to hail her as a change agent.”
Manoush has been featured in the New York Times, Financial Times, AdWeek, Recode, and Refinery29. She's been interviewed by CNN Money, profiled in the New York Times' Sunday Routine, and is the Z in Vice's "A-Z of Women Pushing Boundaries in Science and Tech." Her book, Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self (Sept 2017; St. Martin's Press), has been praised in The New York Times, WIRED, BookPage, Booklist, and Elle.
This Boredom Could Be Your Chance for a ‘Great Reset,’ GQ
9 of the Best Productivity Books for When You’re Mentally Exhausted, BookRiot
Meet the TED RadioHour’s New Host, Forbes
Being Bored is the Best Thing That Can Happen to You, Entrepreneur
Why Manoush Zomorodi Started Her Own Podcasting Company, Quartz
NPR Names Next TED RadioHour Host, Current
Quarantine is Perfect for Discovering the Beauty and Power of Boredom, The Guardian
How to Resist Amazon Prime, Medium
Your Online Data is in Peril. The Blockchain Could Save It, Medium
Need Creative Inspiration? Do Something Boring, Fast Company
What Boredom Does to You, Nautilus
Being Bored at Work Is Actually a Good Thing, Money
Women-led podcasts take a risk others won’t: admitting they don’t know everything, Quartz
Hi, I'm a digital junkie, and I suffer from Infomania, L.A. Times